Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Loquicious, Homicidal Chipmunk and his Slavic Fat Pads

I haven't laughed this hard at an interview in ages. These two riff off each other like a couple of guys on a park bench, although (despite what Liev says) only one of them is in (or near) a career twilight.

For Liev's sake, I would love to hear that they had somehow moved Ray Donovan to New York but it makes me curious - does Broadway have fixers? Who takes the call when Nathan Lane becomes pregnant with Patti Lupone's Love Child?

I'm not going to dignify the online debate as to whether or not Liev's being Jewish might somehow prevent him from playing an Irishman with any type of rebuttal.  Suffice it to say, I would not "keep company" (online or otherwise) with such people if the world were flooded with piss and they were in the only tree. 

Looking snazzy, Liev. 

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Ray Donovan Premiere Tonight!

Could there be a more auspicious occasion with which to ease myself back into this realm than a night of television history? 

I think not.

I've been busy, and it's been worth it, but you have no idea how good it is to be back. 

So much to say, but for now I'll let the trailer speak for itself.